Sunday, September 5, 2010

My birthday, cikin Niger

Greetings earthlings!
Though I loathe the term, I appreciate the idea and creation of 'bucket lists.' I wrote an unofficial version circa 2002 but on this day (8/26), I find myself checking off two items from the list: 1) join the Peace Corps and 2) spend as many birthdays as possible in unusual locations. I think Niger qualifies as unusual. Today was possibly the best birthday I've had since at least 1999, when my Overland Park friends Lauren and Clay threw me a small party in the parlor (and it truly was) of Corbin Hall at KU. We were new college students, puppies really, and the fact that they thought of my birthday in all the hubub really touched me. It was one of the first times I realized that somehow I have an ability to make friends with people who are truly kind and lovely.
Flash forward to today. We are in the final stretch of a two week language immersion (in Hausa). I woke up to my roommate Alynn handing me a homemade birthday card under my mosquito net. Everyone in our stage (and a few language trainers) had signed it, and it was very Sellards-like in its, "I like Erin because..." I received a couple of birthday text messages from current volunteers, too. We started the day wandering off towards the millet fields and had language class in an nearly-outdoor classroom. Later on we enjoyed an impromptu visit from our training manager (Tondi) and medical officer (Walter), who were out making rounds to the different lang immersion sites. They brought me a small cake from some random bakery in Maradi; we enjoyed it after a dinner of potatoes and Rancho Gordo black beans (thanks Mom and Dad - Steve Sando would be proud to know his beans made it all the way to West Africa).
It was odd not to talk to my family or friends, but I'm so very fortunate to have over 50 more people in my life who I can call friends, confidantes, and co-workers. That's quite a birthday present. Despite minor annoyances like 115 degree heat and flies out the wazoo (or the latrine), I felt a lot of love today.

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